Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A dream place?


What is your dream place?


Mekah... Madinah...

For these places...
M & M...
I am really really wanna go there...
As soon as possible...
Really hope... Deeply in my heart...
I have the chance to go there...
To perform either umrah or hajj...

And did someone ever tell you this?
"If you really want something in your life... Visualize it everyday... Write your desire on a piece of paper... Or put the picture if have... See it everyday... And one day you will achieve your desire"
Well i believe that... 
If we visualize it everyday, it will give impact to our heart...
It will reinforces our desire...
Then we will try harder than usual to ahieve it...
Then the dream will come true...

I'm doing it right now...

 ~ the beauty of kaabah...

 ~ the city that never sleep...

***** Ya Allah, give us the chance to be there, to perform umrah and hajj. Amin *****

~ nurhidayah@ied ~
Tabah, sabar, redha dan doa 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Happy birthday ied!


Today is 6 May 2014
And i was born in 6 May 1984...

Yesterday, it was my last day in 20's series...
And now...
I am in early 30's
Thank you Allah for letting myself turn to 30 from 29...

Happy birthday to you, miss nurhidayah...
May allah show you siratulmustakim...
May allah let you to success in life n career...
May allah guide you to the right path, full with good n happiness

Eventhough, through all years...
Some years and days, i faced a hard time...
But, this is life right?
It gives experience to myself how to deal with hard and easy situation...

My wish?
Do solah, do solah and do solah, wajib and sunat with khusyu'
Praise allah, praise allah and praise allah...
Make doa, make doa and make doa...
Love, love and love rasul allah...
Zikir, zikir and zikir, compliment Allah the Almighty...
Read alquran the love letter from Allah daily...
Dutiful to my parent...
Educating my self dunia n akhirat...
Striving toward success for dunia n akhirat...
Do umrah as soon as possible...
Do hajj with my love one, sooner...
Find n choose my 4th cinta hati n let him be the 3rd one...
Pay more zakat...
Do fasting even not in ramadhan...
Donate to orphan...
Donate to others...
Seek and give forgiveness...
Clean my heart, more and more...
Smile and be happy...
Appreciate good people surround me...
Compliment and support others doing good thing...
Give advice to others...
Save money...
Preserve my aurat...
Stop complaining and make life improvement...

~ Sepanjang hidup saya, saya dikurniakan dgn nikmat2 y xterhingga setiap masa dan saat... Di mana kdg2 saya terlupa dgn nikmat2 itu apabila didtgkan dgn dugaan2 y menguji... Sungguh kite lupa akan apa y Allah kurniakan kpd kita sehingga kini.. Sungguh saya sedar itu tp tetap tdk dpt lari... Ya Allah, sungguh aku akan berusaha untuk mengucap alhamdulillah dgn setiap keberkatan y Kau beri dan sentiasa ingat nikmat2mu jika aku didtgkan dugaan olehmu... Tuhan ku y Esa, yang maha pemberi yang maha pelindung dan yang maha mengetahui, bantulah aku semahu2Mu... Kuatkanlah hatiku untuk mengingati pemberian rezekimu setiap kali suka dan duka ~

~ nurhidayah@ied ~
Tabah, sabar, redha dan doa...

Monday, May 5, 2014



Knp dgn date ni?
Nanti akan diceritakan...

Hari ni dpt result medical check up...
Ade bad n good...
My cholesterol is high... 
More than the spec...
The bad cholesterol is high n the good is low...
And protein in my body is low...
I am now in protein diet... How come it is low...
Need to change my diet...
Ni petunjuk allah... Take it positif...

The good?
Low uric acid
Low glucose ((need to monitor my sugar intake incase it will drop more than now))
No fat ((ok... Jd bagaimana cik ied ni gemuk? Muscle ke?))
Hemoglobine ok
The thickness of blood ok ((mcm pelik je thickness... Kepekatan darah dlm english ape ye?))
Platelet count ok...
White cell count ok...
Xray ok...
It is normal variant...
My respirotary condition is sinus arrhythmia with low heart rate...
Based on info y dibaca irregular heart beat but normal condition...
So normal cume mungkin kn monitor...
Cume this condition sesuai tuk org y aktif bersukan y mn sgt sihat tubuh bdn...
Weekly swimming n aerobic tu can consider aktif?
((Only weekend je kot beriadqh))
Tapi... Xpe le...
As long as sihat then i feel grateful ((alhamdulillah)
Thank you allah...

Terima kasih tuhan...
Untuk tempoh 29tahun ni...
Dgn segala nikmat2mu y Kau berikan kpdku...
Dgn segala dugaan2mu y Kau dtgkan pdku tanda kasih sayangmu...
Terima kasih kerana memberikan ku keizinan untuk bernafas dimuka bumimu...
Terima kasih kerana memberikan ku peluang2 pendidikan dgn ilmu2 y bermanfaat...
Terima kasih kerana memberikan ku peluang pekerjaan y membawa ku ke negara2 lain...
Terima kasih kerana masih memberikan ku peluang bernafas bersama2 ibu bapa dan ahli keluargaku...
Terima kasih kerana masih memberikan ku peluang mencari ilmu2 akhirat untuk berubah ke arah kebaikan...
Terima kasih kerana masih memberikan ku peluang berkongsi suka duka bersama2 rakan2 y sentiasa menasihatiku, membantuku dan menggembirakanku...
Terima kasih kerana masih memberikan ku peluang untuk tersenyum menghadapi setiap saat dlm hidupku...
Dan sungguh...
Terima kasih Tuhanku Ya rabbi kerana menyayangi ku, hambamu y hina dan selalu meminta2...

~ nurhidayah@ied ~
Tabah, sabar, redha dan doa

Friday, May 2, 2014

Die or continue writing?


Am i exaggerating?
I need to finish my report by this week...
Or else...
((You know the consequences...))

I'm facing with difficulties writing on the literature review...
Oh my!
It is such a headache to review all the journal...
And still keep searching another journal...
And the language...
Need to find a meaning in dictionary...

And still...
Turn page by page...
Of course the dictionary and thesaurus...
To help me writing...
And use a proper word...
Or else...
"Your english is very poor"
Aaaa... Mmg my english is veryyy poor...
Yes, i know...

Put the blame on me...
Cos dont have an intention to work hard for this...
I am one of the human error...
Haha! This is related to my own report... Human error...

Doing master is not easy...
To be successful is not easy...
To have a bright future is not easy...
Or you can live in easy way if you satisfied with current life...
But i want to be good, to be success...
To share my success with others...
To moral up others to be success...

I will try my best...
I will put my effort more than now...
In sha allah...
If this is lead my way to a right path...
Then allah will guide me...
I have faith in Him...

I pray for others who are now struggling themselves writing their thesis or project report...
May they achieve their vision n success...
Please pray for them...
And do pray for me...
May allah give you reward for each of your doa, amin...

P/S: die? Oh no! My ibadah is still not enough to guarantee that i will be in jannah... So allah let me live longer for me to prepare myself to be good muslimah ((in the eyes of Him))

Tabah, sabar, redha & doa