Saturday, November 30, 2013

Di duga dan di duga...


Lately... My post entry full of miseries and frustration...
Lately... Allah gave me dugaan and dugaan...
And lately... Allah destined me to meet someone that i never ever knew before...

And lately... Just about 2 days ago...
Everything about him is a lie...
A picture of him... Which i still can forgive him...
But... His name... What the hell he think?
Yang mana saya sbnrnye saya kadang kala terfikir2 tapi saya hny simpan di dlm hati...
Dan mengikhlaskan diri berkawan dengannya...
Saya terima dia seadanya walaupun saya tahu dia ni secretive...

Saya sebenarnya...
Apekah motif dia sebenarnya?
Saya ini perempuan ke berapa y tlh berjaya ditipu?
Kenapa perlu menipu sebegitu sekali?
Puas ke hati dia dengan menipu sebegitu?
Teruk sangat ke kekecewaan dlm hidup sehingga perlu melakukan sebegitu?

Your reason....
I found it so damn ridiculous stupid and annoyed me!!!
Are u out of ur mind to give that stupid reason?
Because of your look because of your pain...
Are u stupid?
Can't you think well?
So what for you pray and doa to allah if u can't handle ur stupid lousy feeling?
What for you did all ur ibadah all ur sunat solat?
Or all of these is a lie?
U didn't do all these ibadah but only mentioned to me?
Is that true?
You keep lying and lying...
Until i felt all my feeling is gone... 
Gone without any tears... I can't cried... I can't felt anything...

Nasihat saya untuk dirinya...
Berubah le...
Berubah le kepada yang lbh baik...
Ape y dapat drpd penipuan itu?
Kepuasan diri sebab berjaya menundukkan seorang wanita?
Itu ke yang dia rasa...?
Berhentilah menipu...
Sebab... One day ia akan memakan diri sendiri...

He begged me for forgiveness...
Siapalah saya untuk tidak memaafkannya...
Mohonlah keampunan dari Allah... Itu y septtnya...
He said he need me as his friend...
I don't even know who you are... What age are you... Your status... Your marital status... Your occupation... I don't know...
But i can be friend of you if you want... Only friend...
And if to be your friend can change you to be a better good muslim and person...
Then i will doa to allah to give you jalan and petunjuk...
And you convinced me you are a doctor... 
Doctor... Please think wisely... Jangan sia2kan akal fikiran yang bijaksana yang Allah anugerahkan itu...
Semoga berubah kepada yang lbh baik...

And untuk diri saya...
Bertabahlah... Bersabarlah... Bertahanlah...
Saya mempunyai rakan-rakan dan famili yang menyayangi saya sepenuh hati...
Allah itu telah menjanjikan saya sesuatu yang lbh baik cuma belum tiba masanya...

Wallahu'alam... In sha allah allah will guide me...

I blog with BE Write

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