This Nov, we will have a family trip to Langkawi....
My task is to find a nice hotel...
I already found one --> Casa Fina Fine Home Hotel... that is most likely to chalet...
Based on the review... the place has a good ratinng 4/5...
Just there is no food provided... who cares?t he place is at pantai chenang...
And there is a lot of restaurant that we can choose...
But my mama want a nice-clean room package with breakfast set...
Yes... we can find that but the rates is high than our range...
So... what cohice that i have
(( nd miss yahoo dh penat dah dok wat searching dr pgke mlm))
Anyone can give me suggestion?
--> each hotel that i searched has a bad comment even the price is high... is our level is not achieved to their level especially foreigner? yes... hey maybe are too fussy butwe need to improve our quality...
its school holiday kan. no wonder mahal..